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check hycu target usage

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Nagios check that use HYCUs REST API to get HYCU target storage usage and status

Nagios check that use HYCUs REST API to get HYCU target storage usage and status

This script uses theses libs : REST::Client, Data::Dumper, Monitoring::Plugin, MIME::Base64, JSON, LWP::UserAgent, Readonly

to install them type ::

sudo cpan REST::Client Data::Dumper Monitoring::Plugin MIME::Base64 JSON LWP::UserAgent Readonly

Use case

check_hycu_target.pl 1.0.2

This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public Licence (see http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.txt).

Nagios check that uses HYCUs REST API to get target status and storage usage

Usage: check_hycu_target.pl -H -p -u -P [-w ] [-c ] [-t ] [-a ]

-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. See https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/doc/extra-opts.html
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
-p, --port=INTEGER
Port Number
-a, --apiversion=string
HYCU API version
-u, --user=string
User name for api authentication
-P, --Password=string
User name for api authentication
-n, --name=STRING
target name
-S, --ssl
The hycu serveur use ssl
-w, --warning=threshold
See https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#THRESHOLDFORMAT for the threshold format.
-c, --critical=threshold
See https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#THRESHOLDFORMAT for the threshold format.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 30)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)

sample :

check_hycu_target.pl -H MyHYCUserver --ssl -p 8443 -a v1.0 -u user@domain -P Password -c :90 -w :80

check_hycu_target.pl -H MyHYCUserver --ssl -p 8443 -a v1.0 -u user@domain -P Password -c :90 -w :80 -n MyStorage

check_hycu_target.pl -H MyHYCUserver --ssl -p 8443 -a v1.0 -u user@domain -P Password -c :90 -w :80 -n wtf

you may get :

check_hycu_target OK - Targets ARCHIVE_HYCU, MyStorage, MyStorage1, S3-Scaleway are ok | ARCHIVE_HYCU=12.90%;:80;:90 MyStorage=21.66%;:80;:90 MyStorage1=21.57%;:80;:90 S3-Scaleway=58.27%;:80;:90

check_hycu_target OK - Target MyStorage is ok | MyStorage=21.65%;:80;:90

check_hycu_target UNKNOWN - Target not found. Available target(s) are : ARCHIVE_HYCU, MyStorage, MyStorage1, S3-Scaleway