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Veeam Endpoint Backup Check - Via Event Logs

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  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
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Veeam Endpoint Backup Check - Via Event Logs
Check_veeam_endpoint_eventlogs is a PowerShell script to check if Veeam Endpoint jobs ran properly. If you have the full-blown version of Veeam, please use the check_veeam_eventlogs script instead as it allows for job names. Note: This uses built-in Windows event logs to check for Veeam backup codes and it does *not* utilize the Veeam PowerShell snap-in because I had far too many issues on far too many systems. Yes, I also realize Veeam has the built-in capability to email, but that doesn't scale well with any significant number of machines. And if you choose to only send email on failure, what happens if email isn't working -- spam blocks, authentication failures, etc? Too many possibilities to assume email notifications are even remotely reliable and Nagios is able to consolidate all alerts to a central location.

I have tested this extensively using NCPA, although NRPE and other agents would likely work. If you have issues with it, please let me know and I will make changes as necessary. The script is heavily commented and very readable with numerous usage examples in the script itself. Enjoy!