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arcserve UDP check

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Compatible With
  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
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NRPE command script that reads arcserve UDP's internal SQL database, looks for latest backup date and status for all hosts and compare it to the age limit.
I am not programmer, but I needed to monitor UDP backup status and did not find any Nagios plugin out there.
I examined the SQL databace that UDP uses and found table which seems to hold needed information. I did not find any documentation or reference, it is all unsupported guess work.
The user running NRPE service must be given dbreader right to the SQL database "your_UDP_serverARCSERVE_APP".
Constant "Backup_Server" inside script must be set accordingly to your SQL server name.

Copy script to your NRPE plugins directory and add command to nrpe.cfg like this:

command[get_backupUDP]=cscript.exe //nologo //T:60 "C:Program Files (x86)ICWpluginsv2get_backupUDP.vbs"

Sorry I do not know about Nagios versions compatibility.
To Do:
1. The backup time in arcserve database seems to be in GMT timezone while script uses Now() function which returns local timezone! (please help to resolve this)
2. It might be nice to pass age limits by arguments to the script.
3. There is no proper vbs error checking implemented