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almost the same as original check_mrtgtraf but this one works and is "fine tuned" to give detailed output on which IN or OUT threshold was exceeded, it is also "fine tuned" to present the output in Mbyte and/or Kbytes depending on how much traffic there w ...

# Updated after a suggestion by Rune Nilssen # Thanks for the suggestion Rune! A very flexible check radius script using radcheck. I found all other scripts to slow or to unflexible so i wrote this one. It has 3 functions check auth check acct a ...
check freeradius/radius auth/acct/status advanced and f...

# Updated after a suggestion by Rune Nilssen # Thanks for the suggestions Rune! I could not find a flexible enough and fast enough(have no idea why all those other check radius scripts works so slow?) I had to write my own which came out a fully fea ...

This is not a Nagios plugin. This is just a script that takes an infile with IPs and HOSTs and creates a NAGIOS config file. This scripts is very flexible where one can change everything needed to be able to read a file containing IPs and HOSTs and cre ...