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Nagios: Active Directory Authentication

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  • Nagios 3.x
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nagios_active_directory_authentication.pdfcomplete guide
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Nagios: Active Directory Authentication
This projects for Nagios allows you to authenticate users against Active Directory. And if they are member of the correct Domain Group, They will see hosts and services enabled for that group. Also, They can even use the single sign on if enabled on their browser.
This tutorial explains how to authenticate users against Active Directory in Nagios, Nagvis and Ninja. And if they are member of the correct Domain Group, They will see hosts and services enabled for that group.
However, you can use our method with almost all Nagios web interfaces and other web pages.

In this way users can connect to Nagios with their domain account and they can even use the single sign on (sso).

The package source_and_bin.zip contains all the source code (and binaries) of our pages. The nagios_active_directory_authentication.pdf document contains the complete guide (step by step) to configure all components. To help you We also have added many comments in our source.

As described above, with our work, you can even use the single sign-on ( sso ) with Nagios web interface. A very useful feature, especially in enterprise environments.

In our environment all this work like a charm.

If you like our work please vote this tutorial (and if you want post your comment). So, in this way other people can easily find this guide. If you notice anything wrong on this article, please tell us how to fix it (if you can) and not just criticize us. We ( I and my colleague Fabio Frioni) worked to this project at home. In our workplace we have only configured it.

For any questions or concerns please contact me: http://www.alan-pipitone.com/contact.php


Alan Pipitone.