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TiNag is an client for android devices. It will pull the service list from your nagios installation and checks for critical states. If any service is in critical state it can be configured to play an alarm sound, vibrate your phone or just display a notify message.

Beside the warning function TiNag is providing some nice widgets which can be places on the home screen.
TiNag is an unofficial nagios client. It will pull the service list from your nagios installation and checks for critical states.
If any service is in critical state it can be configured to play an alarm sound, vibrate your phone or just display a notify message.

Main features:
- Multiple nagios account support.
- Play alarm or/and vibrate on critical state.
- Define a quiet time in which no alarm will be played.
- Display a list of all hosts, services and their state
- Read and post comments to a service or host
- Display detail information about a service
- Disable and enable checks, notifications, flap detection ...
- Very low CPU use
- Force recheck of a host or service
- Three different widgets for the home screen
- Themes to change the style of the app and the widgets
- Support for pnp4nagios

If you don't manage to get TiNag to connect to your nagios installation, please write to with as much information as possible.
This helps to improve TiNag in the future. Same if you got any feature requests.