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iscsi check

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  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
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A way of actively checking your iscsi connections and paths.
$ ./check_iscsi -h
ISCSI Plugin for Nagios
Version: version 1.0.0
Last Modified: 05-09-2013

You can use the ip address or the IQN to look for a session. If you have multiple paths your IQN could possibly be the same so it's suggested to use the IP address or assign a different IQN for each path. There is no warning and no need to set a critical, if it's working your OK, if it's not working your critical. You can request a number of sessions from iscsi.

Usage: check_iscsi -i [IP ADDRESS] -q [IQN] (-c [total sessions])

-i [IP address] The IP address of the iscsi server you're checking
-q [IQN code] The IQN code of the iscsi path you're checking
-c [count] The number of sessions matching your criteria (not required)