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check_zfs.tar.gzVersion 0.9.2
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A small PERL plugin to monitor the health of ZFS zpools. Tested on Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris distributions. Will additionally work in FreeBSD-7.0-RELEASE if called from sudo.
The plugin is designed only to monitor the status of Sun Microsystems ZFS zpools, and whether they are ONLINE (which is good) or DEGRADED (which is not good) or worse (which will result in a critical alert). The plugin can be told to only display the overall zpool health, or include the status of virtual and real devices as well.

The plugin accepts two arguments -- namely, The name of the zpool you are monitoring, and the level of verbose output you want shown in Nagios.

Usage: check_zfs (zpool name) (verbosity level 1-3)
(Example: check_zfs tank 2)

Verbose levels:-
(1) Display only zpool health and pool size statistics
(2) In addition, display problem devices when zpool health is not OK
(3) Display all zpool related device status regardless of zpool health

The plugin returns an OK result if the zpool is functioning OK. In the case of a disk failure or zpool device disappearance, as long as the zpool itself is still reliably holding data even in a DEGRADED mode, Nagios will display WARNINGS. CRITICAL events will typically only occur when your zpool has failed or is unavailable (or was never there to begin with!)

You MAY want to ensure that WARNINGs produced by this plug-in send out alerts. Refer to Nagios documentation.

(Please note that check_zfs and indeed, the zpool command, need root privileges under FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE in order to poll ZFS pools. In this case, you will have to set up nagios and/or nrpe to call the plugin via sudo. Refer to Nagios documentation for how to do this.)

check_zfs also works if called from nrpe, too.
Reviews (1)
byRoyK, January 20, 2010
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Good plugin to check ZFS. I fixed some small issues and added some new ones - see
