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Category: Spanish
Meet The New Nagios Core Services Platform
Built on over 25 years of monitoring experience, the Nagios Core Services Platform provides insightful monitoring dashboards, time-saving monitoring wizards, and unmatched ease of use. Use it for free indefinitely.
Monitoring Made Magically Better
- Nagios Core on Overdrive
- Powerful Monitoring Dashboards
- Time-Saving Configuration Wizards
- Open Source Powered Monitoring On Steroids
- And So Much More!
Submit Your Nagios Project!
Help build Nagios Exchange for yourself and the entire the Nagios Community by your Nagios project to the site. It's easy - just create an account, login, and add a new listing. Read the FAQ for instructions.How To Install Nagios From Source on a Debian System - ...

This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to install nagios from source on a Debian system. Instalar Nagios core y Nagios plugins en Debian paso a paso desde Source En este apartado vamos a ver como instalar la aplicación Nagios en un servidor linux D ...
Instalación y configuración de Nagios Core 4.0.4

En este documento se explica como instalar y configurar Nagios Core con algunos plugins, todo esto corriendo sobre Debian. En su interior se explica: - Qué es Nagios. - Preparación e instalación de Nagios en un equipo Linux. - Instalación de plu ...
Nagios Manual In Spanish

This is a Nagios Manual in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish, so I haven't read it, but I hope it is going to be useful to many people. I would appreciate your feedback!
Nagios Spanish Translation

It is a Spanish blog where you can find a lot of Nagios Core documentation and other useful information.
Presentation of Nagios in Spanish

Nagios es un potente sistema de administración de TI, que le permite a las organizaciones identificar y resolver los problemas de infraestructura de TI, antes de que estos afecten los procesos críticos del negocio.