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bytachtler, November 28, 2017
I had to add some fix to this scipt:
in line 304 the is a "limit":
if len(output) > number_total_updates + 25 / OR 25000:
I had to change this value to 50000: because output from
yum --security check-update has about 29000 lines.
bytachtler, December 21, 2016
To solve the problem with squid version 3.5.20 (CentOS-7)

Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /usr/local/share/perl5/Nagios/Plugin/Performance.pm line 68.

Use this modified script:

# check_squid is developped with GPL Licence 2.0
# GPL License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
# Developped by : Cyril Feraudet
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# For information : cyril@feraudet.com
# Changed "Memory" data mining for squid version 3.5.20
# Developped by : Klaus Tachtler
# http://dokuwiki.tachtler.net
# http://www.tachtler.net

my $VERSION = "1.0";

use Nagios::Plugin;
# todo : use strict;

$np = Nagios::Plugin->new(usage => "Usage: %s [ -v|--verbose ] [ -H ] [ -d ] [ -p ] [ -t ] [ -c ] [ -w ]", version => $VERSION);

spec => 'host|H=s',
help => "-H, --host=\n"
. " Name of the proxy to check (default: localhost)",
required => 0

$np->add_arg( # Connections Cache Resources Memory FileDescriptors
spec => 'data|d=s',
help => "-d, --data=\n"
. " Optional data to fetch (default: Connections)"
. " available data : Connections Cache Resources Memory FileDescriptors",
required => 0

spec => 'port|p=i',
help => "-p, --port=\n"
. " Optional port number (default: 3128)",
required => 0

spec => 'user|U=s',
help => "-U, --user=\n"
. " Optional WWW user (default: root)",
required => 0

spec => 'password|W=s',
help => "-W, --password=\n"
. " Optional WWW password",
required => 0

spec => 'warning|w=s',
help => "-w, --warning=THRESHOLD\n"
. " Warning threshold. See\n"
. " http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html#THRESHOLDFORMAT\n"
. ' for the threshold format.',
required => 0,

spec => 'critical|c=s',
help => "-c, --critical=THRESHOLD\n"
. " Critical threshold. See\n"
. " http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html#THRESHOLDFORMAT\n"
. ' for the threshold format.',
required => 0,

spec => 'squidclient|s=s',
help => "-s, --squidclient=\n"
. " Path of squidclient (default: /usr/bin/squidclient)",
required => 0,


my $host = $np->opts->host;
my $port = $np->opts->port;
my $data = $np->opts->data;
my $user = $np->opts->user;
my $password = $np->opts->password;
my $critical = $np->opts->critical;
my $warning = $np->opts->warning;
my $squidclient = $np->opts->squidclient;

$host = 'localhost' if (!defined($host) or $host eq '');
$port = 3128 if (!defined($port) or $port eq '');
$data = 'Connections' if (!defined($data) or $data eq '');
$user = 'root' if (!defined($user) or $user eq '');
$password = '' if (!defined($password));
$critical = undef if (defined($critical) and $critical eq '');
$warning = undef if (defined($warning) and $warning eq '');
$squidclient = '/usr/bin/squidclient' if (!defined($squidclient) or $squidclient eq '');

$np->set_thresholds(critical => $critical, warning => $warning);

# squidclient -h localhost -p 8080 -U root -W FPSlsker mgr:info

@exec = ("-h", "\Q$host", "-p", "\Q$port", "-U", "\Q$user", "-W", "\Q$password", "mgr:info");

@result = `$squidclient @exec`;

my $fd_available;
my $fd_used;
my $memory_available;
my $memory_used;
my $connection_nbclient;
my $connection_nbicpreceived;
my $connection_nbicpsent;
my $connection_nbicpqueued;
my $cache_requesthitratio5;
my $cache_requesthitratio60;
my $cache_bytehitratio5;
my $cache_bytehitratio60;
for my $line (@result)
# Connection information for squid:
# Number of clients accessing cache: 1203
$line =~ /\s+Number of clients accessing cache:\s+([0-9]+)/ and $connection_nbclient = $1;
# Number of HTTP requests received: 8892278
$line =~ /\s+Number of HTTP requests received:\s+([0-9]+)/ and $connection_nbhttpreceived = $1;
# Number of ICP messages received: 0
$line =~ /\s+Number of ICP messages received:\s+([0-9]+)/ and $connection_nbicpreceived = $1;
# Number of ICP messages sent: 0
$line =~ /\s+Number of ICP messages sent:\s+([0-9]+)/ and $connection_nbicpsent = $1;
# Number of queued ICP replies: 0
$line =~ /\s+Number of queued ICP replies:\s+([0-9]+)/ and $connection_nbicpqueued = $1;
# Request failure ratio: 0.00
# Average HTTP requests per minute since start: 1247.5
# Average ICP messages per minute since start: 0.0
# Select loop called: 407414146 times, 1.050 ms avg
# Cache information for squid:
# Request Hit Ratios: 5min: 32.8%, 60min: 33.9%
# $line =~ /\s+Request Hit Ratios:\s+5min:\s+([0-9\.]+)%,\s+60min:\s+([0-9\.]+)%/ and $cache_requesthitratio5 = $1 and $cache_requesthitratio60 = $2;
# Hits as % of all requests: 5min: 0.0%, 60min: 0.0%
$line =~ /\s+Hits as % of all requests:\s+5min:\s+([0-9\.]+)%,\s+60min:\s+([0-9\.]+)%/ and $cache_requesthitratio5 = $1 and $cache_requesthitratio60 = $2;
# Byte Hit Ratios: 5min: 23.7%, 60min: 20.9%
# $line =~ /\s+Byte Hit Ratios:\s+5min:\s+([0-9\.]+)%,\s+60min:\s+([0-9\.]+)%/ and $cache_bytehitratio5 = $1 and $cache_bytehitratio60 = $2;
# Hits as % of bytes sent: 5min: 100.0%, 60min: 100.0%
$line =~ /\s+Hits as % of bytes sent:\s+5min:\s+([0-9\.]+)%,\s+60min:\s+([0-9\.]+)%/ and $cache_bytehitratio5 = $1 and $cache_bytehitratio60 = $2;
# Request Memory Hit Ratios: 5min: 20.3%, 60min: 24.9%
# Request Disk Hit Ratios: 5min: 25.0%, 60min: 23.9%
# Storage Swap size: 27694948 KB
# Storage Mem size: 614304 KB
# Mean Object Size: 26.96 KB
# Requests given to unlinkd: 1318030
# Median Service Times (seconds) 5 min 60 min:
# HTTP Requests (All): 0.03622 0.02742
# Cache Misses: 0.07825 0.06640
# Cache Hits: 0.00091 0.00091
# Near Hits: 0.03241 0.04047
# Not-Modified Replies: 0.00091 0.00000
# DNS Lookups: 0.00094 0.00094
# ICP Queries: 0.00000 0.00000
# Resource usage for squid:
# UP Time: 427690.730 seconds
# CPU Time: 7524.043 seconds
# CPU Usage: 1.76%
$line =~ /\s+CPU Usage:\s+([0-9\.]+)%/ and $resource_cpu5s = $1;
# CPU Usage, 5 minute avg: 7.99%
$line =~ /\s+CPU Usage, 5 minute avg:\s+([0-9\.]+)%/ and $resource_cpu5m = $1;
# CPU Usage, 60 minute avg: 10.03%
$line =~ /\s+CPU Usage, 60 minute avg:\s+([0-9\.]+)%/ and $resource_cpu60m = $1;
# Process Data Segment Size via sbrk(): 875680 KB
# Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
# Page faults with physical i/o: 2
# Tachtler --------------
# Tachtler - deprecated -
# Tachtler --------------
# Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
# Total space in arena: 875812 KB
# Ordinary blocks: 811063 KB 97332 blks
# Small blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
# Holding blocks: 3996 KB 6 blks
# Free Small blocks: 0 KB
# Free Ordinary blocks: 64748 KB
# Total in use: 815059 KB 93%
# $line =~ /\s+Total in use:\s+([0-9]+)/ and $memory_used = $1;
# Total free: 64748 KB 7%
# Total size: 879808 KB
# $line =~ /\s+Total size:\s+([0-9]+)/ and $memory_available = $1;
# Tachtler --------------
# Tachtler - deprecated -
# Tachtler --------------
# Memory accounted for:
# Total accounted: 750343 KB
# memPoolAlloc calls: 1149188126
# memPoolFree calls: 1144643200
# File descriptor usage for squid:
# Maximum number of file descriptors: 4096
# Largest file desc currently in use: 718
# Number of file desc currently in use: 692
# Files queued for open: 0
# Available number of file descriptors: 3404
# Reserved number of file descriptors: 100
# Store Disk files open: 2
# IO loop method: epoll
$line =~ /\s+Maximum number of file descriptors:\s+([0-9]+)/ and $fd_available = $1;
$line =~ /\s+Number of file desc currently in use:\s+([0-9]+)/ and $fd_used = $1;
# Internal Data Structures:
# 1027146 StoreEntries
# 50047 StoreEntries with MemObjects
# 50004 Hot Object Cache Items
# 1027079 on-disk objects

# Tachtler --------------
# Tachtler - Memory -
# Tachtler --------------
# squidclient -h localhost -p 8080 -U root -W FPSlsker mgr:mem

@exec = ("-h", "\Q$host", "-p", "\Q$port", "-U", "\Q$user", "-W", "\Q$password", "mgr:mem");

@result = `$squidclient @exec`;

for my $line (@result)
$line =~ /Total\s+.\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9.]+)\s+([0-9.]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)/ and $memory_available = $2 and $memory_used = $7;
# Tachtler --------------
# Tachtler - Memory -
# Tachtler --------------

if($data =~ /Connections/i) # Connections Cache Resources Memory FileDescriptors
$np->add_perfdata( label => "HTTP requests", value => $connection_nbhttpreceived, uom => "c");
$np->add_perfdata( label => "sent ICP requests", value => $connection_nbicpsent, uom => "c");
$np->add_perfdata( label => "received ICP requests", value => $connection_nbicpreceived, uom => "c");
$np->nagios_exit('OK', "Squid have $connection_nbclient clients and $connection_nbicpqueued ICP requests queued");
if($data =~ /Cache/i)
$np->add_perfdata( label => "Hits as % of all requests 5min", value => $cache_requesthitratio5, uom => "%");
$np->add_perfdata( label => "Hits as % of all requests 60min", value => $cache_requesthitratio60, uom => "%");
$np->add_perfdata( label => "Hits as % of bytes sent 5min", value => $cache_bytehitratio5, uom => "%");
$np->add_perfdata( label => "Hits as % of bytes sent 60min", value => $cache_bytehitratio60, uom => "%");
$np->nagios_exit('OK', "Hits as % of all requests 5min: $cache_requesthitratio5, Hits as % of all requests 60min: $cache_requesthitratio60, Hits as % of bytes sent 5min: $cache_bytehitratio5, Hits as % of bytes sent 60min: $cache_bytehitratio60");
if($data =~ /Resources/i)
$np->add_perfdata( label => "CPU used 5s", value => $resource_cpu5s, uom => "%");
$np->add_perfdata( label => "CPU used 5m", value => $resource_cpu5m, uom => "%");
$np->add_perfdata( label => "CPU used 60m", value => $resource_cpu60m, uom => "%");
$np->nagios_exit('OK', "CPU used 5s: $resource_cpu5s, CPU used 5m: $resource_cpu5m, CPU used 60m: $resource_cpu60m");
if($data =~ /Memory/i)
my $t = Nagios::Plugin::Threshold->set_thresholds(warning => $warning, critical => $critical);
$np->add_perfdata( label => "Memory used", value => $memory_used, uom => "KB", threshold => $t);
$np->add_perfdata( label => "Memory available", value => $memory_available, uom => "KB");
$np->nagios_exit($np->check_threshold($memory_used), "Squid use $memory_used KB of memory");
if($data =~ /FileDescriptors/i)
my $t = Nagios::Plugin::Threshold->set_thresholds(warning => $warning, critical => $critical);
$np->add_perfdata( label => "Max FD", value => $fd_available);
$np->add_perfdata( label => "Cur FD", value => $fd_used, threshold => $t);
$np->nagios_exit($np->check_threshold($fd_used), 'Squid work fine.');

# $np->nagios_exit('OK', $output);
# $np->nagios_exit('WARNING', $output);
# $np->nagios_exit('CRITICAL', $output);
# $np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN', $output);
# $np->nagios_exit('DEPENDENT', $output);
Good but in newer versions you have to change following lines:

RESULT="$(echo get NaGiOs_ChEcK_FiLe | tftp $HOST 2>&1 | head -n 1)"
RESULT="$(echo get NaGiOs_ChEcK_FiLe | tftp -v $HOST 2>&1 | grep Received)"

RESULT="$(echo get $FILENAME | tftp $HOST 2>&1 | head -n 1)"
RESULT="$(echo get $FILENAME | tftp $HOST 2>&1 | grep Received)"

*"Received "*" bytes in "*" seconds")
*"Received "*" bytes in "*" seconds"*)

Than it will work fine again!

Klaus Tachtler.