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bysteinweb, November 4, 2014
Hi there,
thanks for providing this script. It also works on my DS3400 and DS3512 boxes.

I recently got a DS3512 which (somehow) requires a monitor/administrator password. I didn't want to provide the password in the script, but rather as parameter on the command line. Thus, I just forward any additional parameters directly to SMcli.
Here's my modification to the script:

# diff -u /scripts/check_IBM_DS_health_1.5.sh-orig /scripts/check_IBM_DS_health_1.5.sh
--- /scripts/check_IBM_DS_health_1.5.sh-orig 2014-11-04 16:54:45.000000000 +0100
+++ /scripts/check_IBM_DS_health_1.5.sh 2014-11-04 17:44:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@

#SMcli location
+COMMAND="sudo /opt/IBM_DS/client/SMcli"

# Define Nagios return codes
@@ -45,12 +45,14 @@
echo "IBM DS4x00/5x00 Health Check"
echo "the script requires IP of at least one DS4x00/5x00 Controller, second is optional"
echo ""
- echo "Usage check_IBM_health.sh -a X.X.X.X -b X.X.X.X"
+ echo "Usage check_IBM_health.sh -a X.X.X.X -b X.X.X.X [...]"
echo ""
echo " -h Show this page"
echo " -a IP of Controller A"
echo " -b IP of Controller B"
echo ""
+ echo " additional parameters are forwarded to SMcli"
+ echo ""
exit 0

@@ -78,10 +80,10 @@
+# pass unknown commands to SMcli
- echo "Unknown argument: $1"
- print_help
+ PAR="$@"
+ break
@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@

##execute SMcli
-RESULT=$($COMMAND $CTRLA_IP $CTRLB_IP -c "show storageSubsystem healthStatus;")
+RESULT=$($COMMAND $CTRLA_IP $CTRLB_IP $PAR -c "show storageSubsystem healthStatus;")

##filter unnecessary SMcli output
RESULT=$(echo $RESULT |sed 's/Performing syntax check...//g' | sed 's/Syntax check complete.//g' | sed 's/Executing script...//g' | sed 's/Script execution complete.//g'| sed 's/SMcli completed successfully.//g' | sed 's/The controller clocks in the storage subsystem are out of synchronization with the storage management station.//g' | sed 's/ Controller in Slot [AB]://g' | sed 's/Storage Management Station://g' | sed 's/\\s\\s[0-9]\{2\}\s[0-9]\{2\}:[0-9]\{2\}:[0-9]\{2\}\s\(CEST\|CET\)\s[0-9]\{4\}//g')