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byrnrepp, December 21, 2010
The version I am running has been through six revisions compared to this version.
Here's the change log of the version I have:
#@ History
#@ Date : 20080820
#@ Author : David Ligeret
#@ Reason : Initial release
#@ Date : 20080821
#@ Author : David Ligeret
#@ Reason : Add verbose mode
#@ Date : 20090219
#@ Author : Joshua Daniel Franklin
#@ Reason : Add try/except to catch AuthError and CIMError
#@ Date : 20100202
#@ Author : Branden Schneider
#@ Reason : Added HP Support (HealthState)
#@ Date : 20100512
#@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler www.claudiokuenzler.com
#@ Reason : Combined different versions (Joshua and Branden)
#@ Reason : Added hardware type switch (dell or hp)
#@ Date : 20100626/28
#@ Author : Samir Ibradzic www.brastel.com
#@ Reason : Added basic server info
#@ Reason : Wanted to have server name, serial number & bios version at output
#@ Reason : Set default return status to Unknown
#@ Date : 20100702
#@ Author : Aaron Rogers www.cloudmark.com
#@ Reason : GlobalStatus was incorrectly getting (re)set to OK with every CIM element check
#@ Date : 20100705
#@ Author : Claudio Kuenzler www.claudiokuenzler.com
#@ Reason : Due to change 20100702 all Dell servers would return UNKNOWN instead of OK...
#@ Reason : ... so added Aaron's logic at the end of the Dell checks as well