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Script errored due to empty $minutessincestart:

sub nagios {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
if (! $self->{nagios_level}) {
if ($params{mode} =~ /server::jobs::failed/) {
if ($self->{lastrunstatus} ne "succeeded") {
if ($self->{lastrunstatus} eq "failed") {
sprintf "%s failed: %s", $self->{name}, $self->{lastrunstatusmessage});
} elsif ($self->{lastrunstatus} eq "retry" || $self->{lastrunstatus} eq "canceled") {
sprintf "%s %s: %s", $self->{name}, $self->{lastrunstatus}, $self->{lastrunstatusmessage});
} else {
if ($self->{lastrunstatus}) {
print "else: $params{mode} $self->{name} $self->{lastrunstatus}
$self->check_thresholds($self->{lastrundurationseconds}, 60, 300),
#sprintf("job %s ran for %d seconds (started %s)
", $self->{name},
sprintf("job %s ran for %d seconds (started %s)", $self->{name},
$self->{lastrundurationseconds}, $self->{lastrundatetime}));
} else {
print "OK - $self->{name}, $self->{lastrundurationseconds}, $self->{lastrundatetime}

Script alerted if lastrunstatus was not set:

sub nagios {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
if (! $self->{nagios_level}) {
if ($params{mode} =~ /server::jobs::failed/) {
if ($self->{lastrunstatus} ne "succeeded") {
if ($self->{lastrunstatus} eq "failed") {
sprintf "%s failed: %s", $self->{name}, $self->{lastrunstatusmessage});
} elsif ($self->{lastrunstatus} eq "retry" || $self->{lastrunstatus} eq "canceled") {
sprintf "%s %s: %s", $self->{name}, $self->{lastrunstatus}, $self->{lastrunstatusmessage});
} else {
if ($self->{lastrunstatus}) {
print "else: $params{mode} $self->{name} $self->{lastrunstatus}
$self->check_thresholds($self->{lastrundurationseconds}, 60, 300),
#sprintf("job %s ran for %d seconds (started %s)
", $self->{name},
sprintf("job %s ran for %d seconds (started %s)", $self->{name},
$self->{lastrundurationseconds}, $self->{lastrundatetime}));
} else {
print "OK - $self->{name}, $self->{lastrundurationseconds}, $self->{lastrundatetime}
byrhousand, July 19, 2013
Added $TABLE
CHKIPTBLS=`/sbin/iptables -n -t $TABLE -L |wc -l`

Added nrpe user to sudoers
Defaults!/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_iptables.sh !requiretty
nagios ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_iptables.sh

I would not recommend adding to following to sudoers.
nagios ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/iptables

I also imported utils.sh and used it's exit codes but this may not be required.
. /usr/local/nagios/libexec/utils.sh

exit $STATE_OK