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bykohly, March 30, 2011
if temperature > criticalThreshold:
return (2, "CRITICAL: device temperature (%d) exceeds critical temperature threshold (%s)|temperature= %d;%s;%s;" % (temperature, criticalThreshold, temperature, warningThreshold, criticalThreshold))
elif temperature > warningThreshold:
return (1, "WARNING: device temperature (%d) exceeds warning temperature threshold (%s)|temperature= %d;%s;%s;" % (temperature, warningThreshold, temperature, warningThreshold, criticalThreshold))
return (0, "OK: device is functional and stable (temperature: %d)|temperature= %d;%s;%s;" % (temperature, temperature, warningThreshold, criticalThreshold))
return (2, "CRITICAL: device temperature (%d) exceeds critical temperature threshold (%s)|temperature= %d;%s;%s;" % (temperature, criticalThreshold, temperature, warningThreshold, criticalThreshold))
elif temperature > warningThreshold:
return (1, "WARNING: device temperature (%d) exceeds warning temperature threshold (%s)|temperature= %d;%s;%s;" % (temperature, warningThreshold, temperature, warningThreshold, criticalThreshold))
return (0, "OK: device is functional and stable (temperature: %d)|temperature= %d;%s;%s;" % (temperature, temperature, warningThreshold, criticalThreshold))