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byjorno, November 18, 2012
Like the idea of avoiding openmanage, but this does not check any storage related health - which fails more often than other components..
byjorno, May 25, 2011
Great script.

I got an error due to win update being disabled. I've modified the script for this scenario. Put this in the top of "main":

' Main
Set objAutoUpdate = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate")

If objAutoUpdate.ServiceEnabled "True" Then
Wscript.Echo "Windows Update service disabled on client. Please enable."
End If

Set objSettings = objAutoUpdate.Settings

If objSettings.NotificationLevel = 1 Then
Wscript.Echo "Windows Update notification level is set to 'Never check for updated (not recommended)' - please change to 'Check for updates but let me choose wether to download and install them' or higher."
End If

intResultDetect = objAutoUpdate.DetectNow
