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bydavemiles871, September 29, 2017
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Dell Compellent
I had a couple of Volumes with a warning condition so took a look at the code just to see how it works it out. There is a small error on line 162 in the critical volume handling which probably means if you have any critical volumes it wont work.

As follows:

declare -a vulumecrit=($(snmpwalk -v 2c -O vqe -c ${community} ${host}
which should be
declare -a volumecrit=($(snmpwalk -v 2c -O vqe -c ${community} ${host}

Other than that its suitably light touch and does whats needed.
Owner's reply

Thank you very much.
I've changed it in Version 2.
I've found another bug checking the disks. Please Update to Version 2!!!

bydavemiles871, August 11, 2011
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
I have installed this on a test server under NSclient++\scripts. As documented in the notes it fails with "ExternalCommands: failed to create process (check_disk_iostat_vbs): 2 The system cannot find the file specified". If I include in the [External Scripts] section and give the full path to the script I get a Class not Defined: 'NagiosPlugin' which suggests there is a wrapper script missing where the classes get defined. Please help.
Owner's reply

Sorry for delay.
Could you show your nsclient.ini? It seems to me you have this because of configuration external script engine.