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bycandreasen, May 14, 2018
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Check if FS is Mounted (check_mount.sh) AIX, NFS, UNIX, Linux, Solaris
Had to modify the script as shown below so that it wouldn't alarm if one mount was a subset of another (e.g. /mnt/foo and /mnt/foo_new would alarm, saying "/mnt/foo is mounted several times (2)"

Old line 107:
MOUNTED=`mount | grep $MOUNT | grep $FS | wc -l | tr -s " "` # execute the command to check the mount...

New line 107:
MOUNTED=`mount | grep "$MOUNT" | grep " $FS " | wc -l | tr -s " "` # execute the command to check the mount...
Owner's reply

Thanks for the bug report candreasen, I have modified the script with a bug correction and added a small CPU & memory speedup.

Note that your suggested line also won't work correctly in all OS, so i have only put one space after the FS, to act as a delimiter, and removed the space before the FS.

I will post the updated script now.