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bybytelock, January 3, 2014
So. This script is actually ripped off from the guys who make the SIP perl module itself. Found here: https://metacpan.org/source/SULLR/Net-SIP-0.682/samples/invite_and_recv.pl

Didn't give any credit to Steffen Ullrich.

Anyway.. This plugin has issues and there's no support for it because this guy didn't write it, Steffen did.

In my experience so far. I have it working as this in my command line test

./check_calls -T 30 --leg --username anaduser@foo.com --password pass1 sip:1661@foo.com sip:123@foo.com

It wouldn't work without forcing the leg piece to use the localhost IP address and port. It kept trying to bind to an external address giving me a 110 error as someone reported earlier.