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bybillrydernz, February 6, 2012
I tried the other 4 and this is by far the most useful. You can set critical and warning thresholds for the named pool, name virtual server etc.

At this point (without exhaustively testing it) I would suggest that the ' Could not interpret information from the BigIP' should be an UNKNOWN not a CRITICAL.
Although it's not essential it make it easier when testing to see what the plugin thinks is critical or OK when it prefixes the line with the words.

There seems to be no way to check for a specific pool member - just all of them, same for virtual servers.

There's no thresholds for critical or warning.

However the code does what it sets out to do it seems.
Owner's reply

For the sake of simplicity we decided to consider CRITICAL any object UNAVAILABLE when ENABLED to urge admins to disable it or recover it as soon as posible. How can we define WARNING for a variable pool member count ranging from ONE to N members? With percentage UNAVAILABILITY for the members count? Too much arguments and mesh around.