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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
Network Monitoring Software - Download Nagios XI
Log Management Software - Nagios Log Server - Download
Netflow Analysis Software - Nagios Network Analyzer - Download
This utility will help system administrators who are using nagios to monitor their servers and services.
Remains running in taskbar
The Nagroid icon in the notification bar indicates different information through its color scheme. Autostart nagroid after android is rebooted.

The icon can be seperated into three parts: head, left arm and right arm

His head indicates if the last poll was successfull. A fail can be a wrong nagios url, missing or wrong password, SSL problems, nagios failure or simple network timeouts.

His left arm indicates host problems.
(Ok, Down/Unreachable, Pending, Local Error)

His right arm indicates service problems.
(Ok, Warning, Critical, Pending, Unknown, Local Error)

This icon indicates that an update for Nagroid is available in the android market.
Reviews (1)
The app absolutely insists on using a fixed url appended to your domain to access the status data. If your configuration is different (like mine), it simply will not work.

I had hopes for this app, but it doesn't work at all unless I modify my nagios server, which isn't going to happen.