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SMS Notification via aspsms.com

Current Version
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
nagios_sms_v1.1.zipNagios SMS v1.1
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SMS Notification via aspsms.com
This plugin can be used to send SMS with aspsms.com API.
Its optimitzed to summarize a full host report to a single sms.
It has an aditional flap detection. Cause of this it will save your sms costs and improve the clear arrangement.
This plugin will connect to aspsms.com to send your SMS. The connector uses https to send the messages.
You will need an account with credits on aspsms.com to use this plugin.

It will summarize the report to complete host report in a single sms.
Notifications will be delayed, to only send a singe report for each host. Because of this behavior, its able to handle flapping services.
Cause of this it will save your sms costs and improve the clear arrangement.
Reviews (1)
I had to change only 2 things besides things like userkey and password:
- required packages to install on an Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS: php-cli instead of php5-cli and php-sqlite3 instead of php5-sqlite
- because I use icinga: in /etc/nagios_sms.conf I had to set status-file to /var/lib/icinga/status.dat

Everything else I installed according to the README and it worked out of the box.

I'm excited!