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Nagios check checking the nginx_status page report from nginx. Tracking Active connections processes, request per second,
connections per seconds, Connections status.
You can use this script to draw some graphics.

Always check github for last fixs.

Nagios check checking the nginx_status page report from nginx. Tracking Active connections processes, request per second,
connections per seconds, Connections status.

Nginx Monitor for Nagios version 0.10
GPL licence, (c)2012 Leroy Regis

Known Bugs:

You may need to adapt the nagios libraries path on the script (currently /usr/local/nagios/libexec), line 18 of the script. It as been reported on different places such as /usr/local/libexec/nagios or /usr/share/nagios/libexec.

Graphing Results

This check is compatible with performance data analysis for passive monitoring (RRD based graphs). So the script output is available for graph tools.
@maethor made a PNP4Nagios template available in this Gist:
* https://gist.github.com/maethor/8714514

Script Documentation:

Usage: ./check_nginx_status.pl -H [-p ] [-s servername] [-t ] [-w -c ] [-V] [-d] [-u ] [-U user -P pass -r realm]
-h, --help
print this help message
-H, --hostname=HOST
name or IP address of host to check
-p, --port=PORT
Http port
-u, --url=URL
Specific URL to use, instead of the default "http:///nginx_status"
-s, --servername=SERVERNAME
ServerName, (host header of HTTP request) use it if you specified an IP in -H to match the good Virtualhost in your target
-S, --ssl
Wether we should use HTTPS instead of HTTP
-U, --user=user
Username for basic auth
-P, --pass=PASS
Password for basic auth
-r, --realm=REALM
Realm for basic auth
-d, --debug
Debug mode (show http request response)
-m, --maxreach=MAX
Number of max processes reached (since last check) that should trigger an alert
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
timeout in seconds (Default: 15)
number of active connections, ReqPerSec or ConnPerSec that will cause a WARNING
-1 for no warning
number of active connections, ReqPerSec or ConnPerSec that will cause a CRITICAL
-1 for no CRITICAL
-V, --version
prints version number

Note :
3 items can be managed on this check, this is why -w and -c parameters are using 3 values thresolds
- ACTIVE_CONN: Number of all opened connections, including connections to backends
- REQ_PER_SEC: Average number of request per second between this check and the previous one
- CONN_PER_SEC: Average number of connections per second between this check and the previous one


This one will generate WARNING and CRITICIAL alerts if you reach 10 000 or 20 000 active connection; or
100 or 200 request per second; or 200 or 300 connections per second
check_nginx_status.pl -H -u /foo/nginx_status -s mydomain.example.com -t 8 -w 10000,100,200 -c 20000,200,300

this will generate WARNING and CRITICAL alerts only on the number of active connections (with low numbers for nginx)
check_nginx_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com -t 8 -w 10,-1,-1 -c 20,-1,-1

theses two equivalents will not generate any alert (if the nginx_status page is reachable) but could be used for graphics
check_nginx_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com -w -1,-1,-1 -c -1,-1,-1
check_nginx_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com

Licence: GNU GPL v3
Reviews (1)
byhunter, August 1, 2013
Very beautiful script. Thank you for sharing