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# This plugin is a bash script that check the sync status of Zimbra Ldap server.
# It has to be executed on the Zimbra LDAP server.
# This plugin is a bash script that check the sync status of Zimbra Ldap server.
# It has to be executed on the Zimbra LDAP server.

# To activate the check insert into /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
command[check_zldaps_sync]=sudo /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_zldap_sync
# You need to add the following line to /etc/sudoers in order to have it working from nrpe:
%nrpe ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_zldap_check

# By default:
# OK status is returned if the LDAPS are In sync (Code 0).
# WARNING status is returned if the LDAPS are out of sync (Code 6) and return the command complete report to show since how much time it is the difference between the servers. You have to give the ldap fqdn as parameter.
# CRITICAL status is returned if the check return value different from out of sync (could be).
# UNKNOWN status is returned if the check doesn't return any response code.

# Below the return code from the Zimbra documentation:
# 0 - In Sync - The servers are currently in sync.
# 1 - No contact - No connection to the master server and the system exits.
# 2 - Stand-alone - The master server has no replica servers and is considered a standalone master server.
# 3 - Could not execute StartTLS - The replica server requires StartTLS and fails.
# 4 - Server down - The replica server is currently down.
# 5 - Unable to search - Searching the replica server for the context CSN fails.
# 6 - Xw Xd Xh Xm Xs behind -The replica server becomes out of sync. Status indicates amount of time the replica server is behind the master server in w=weeks, d=days, h=hours, m=minutes, and s=seconds.