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check_clamav_timecheck_clamav_time plugin
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Check to see if your clamav signatures are up to date using a time threshold
This plugin will check the installed versions of the daily and main clamav databases. The plugin compares these values with the most current versions advertised by current.cvd.clamav.net. When it detects an outdated version it writes the outdated version to a state file (either clamv-outdated-daily or clamav-outdated-main). It also writes to the file the time the file is created. If the file exists for criticalthresh or warnthresh minutes the plugin will return a CRITICAL or WARNING state to nagios. This plugin is written in Bash. There is another plugin called check_clamav that also checks if the virus database is outdated but it reports only on the version numbers. This plugin is useful if you need to be notified when your version has been outdated for a specific amount of time. It would probably be better if these two projects could be merged.