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Category: Windows Interfaces

Windows interfaces and frontends for Nagios.

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Category Listings:
There are 12 Listings in this Category.List your addon or plugin here!

Nagios Tray Monitor

This addon (similiar to Robert Wagner's NTray addon) gives you a system tray icon that displays the current system status.

NagiosChecker - DesktopSidebar Plugin

NagiosChecker - DesktopSidebar Plugin NagiosChecker is a little panel-plugin for the desktopsidebar ( It checks the current states of your Nagios-Server and displays a short preview of alarms on mousover.


Explorer like nagios client with customizable status map and systray notification. Requires Windows and .NET 2.0 framework.


Nagstamon Nagstamon is a Nagios status monitor for the Windows desktop. It resides in systray or as a floating statusbar at the desktop showing a brief summary of critical, warning, unknown, unreachable and down hosts and services and pops up a detailed status over ...


Nagstatus Vista Sidebar Gadget

A Vista Sidebar Gadget that displays summary statistics of systems monitored by Nagios and nagxmlstatus.cgi script for providing Nagios status information in XML format, required for the gadget. V1.5.0 (updated 2008-06-29)


NagWatch32 NagWatch32 is a Windows Based event browser for Nagios. Nagwatch displays the entries from status.log in an "openview"-like Event Browser.


NTray is a Windows app for the system tray that displays the current Nagios status of services. By Robert Wagner.


NTrayC NTrayC (Nagios Tray Clone) is a small Windows utility that stays in your desktop systray and warns you about problems reported by your Nagios monitoring installation. It is written in Delphi and was initially inspired in Rob Wagner's NTray addon.