Description: Merge Into Existing Ticket on match Condition: OnCreate Action: User Defined Custom action preparation code: 1; Custom action cleanup code: # If the subject of the ticket matches a pattern suggesting # that this is a Nagios RECOVERY message AND there is # an existing ticket (open or new) in the "General" queue with a matching # "problem description", (that is not this ticket) # merge this ticket into that ticket # # Based on my $problem_desc = undef; my $Transaction = $self->TransactionObj; my $subject = $Transaction->Attachments->First->GetHeader('Subject'); if ($subject =~ /\*\* RECOVERY (\w+) - (.*) OK \*\*/) { # This looks like a nagios recovery message $problem_desc = $2; $RT::Logger->debug("Found a recovery msg: $problem_desc"); } else { return 1; } # Ok, now let's merge this ticket with it's PROBLEM msg. my $search = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser); $search->LimitQueue(VALUE => 'General'); $search->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'new', OPERATOR => '=', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'or'); $search->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'open', OPERATOR => '='); if ($search->Count == 0) { return 1; } my $id = undef; while (my $ticket = $search->Next) { # Ignore the ticket that opened this transation (the recovery one...) next if $self->TicketObj->Id == $ticket->Id; # Look for nagios PROBLEM warning messages... if ( $ticket->Subject =~ /\*\* PROBLEM (\w+) - (.*) (\w+) \*\*/ ) { if ($2 eq $problem_desc){ # Aha! Found the Problem TICKET corresponding to this RECOVERY # ticket $id = $ticket->Id; # Nagios may send more then one PROBLEM message, right? $RT::Logger->debug("Merging ticket " . $self->TicketObj->Id . " into $id because of OA number match."); $self->TicketObj->MergeInto($id); # Keep looking for more PROBLEM tickets... } } } $id || return 1; # Auto-close/resolve this whole thing $self->TicketObj->SetStatus( "resolved" ); 1;