using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; // FSW mostly lifted from: // // nsca on windows, with or without nsclient++: // ncsa win32 binary: namespace ConsoleApplication1 { public class Program { // yea yea yea, well, it's too much. Make it portable yourself. public static int CountOfFilesAffected, HowManyFileOperationsToTrack; public static List ExclusionStringList; public static List InclusionStringList; //I use Main() to handle the arguments and set the settings that the FileSystemWatcher will use public static void Main(string[] args) { //these suckers will be passed int FSWBufferSize = 0; string TargetDirectoryForTrackingOperations = ""; bool IncludeSubDirectories = false, ExcludeDFSRPrivateFiles = false, ExcludeSMBTestFiles = false; List FSWFilterList = new List(); List FSWEventsList = new List(); List ExclusionStringList = new List(); List InclusionStringList = new List(); //this sucker stays put List verbatimArgs = new List(); if (args.Length == 0) { ExitProg("UNKNOWN no arguments"); } //read the suckers into an array list int failcount = 0; foreach (string arg in args) { verbatimArgs.Add(arg); Console.WriteLine(arg); //check for required arguments if (arg == "-N" || arg == "-D" || arg == "-WL") { failcount = failcount + 1; } } //don't feel like being conditional if (failcount < 3) { ExitProg("UNKNOWN You're missing some required arguments."); } //set the variables for the settings //sets -N number of changes to track //try to convert the given -N argument to a number, if it fails, then it's not a number, and exitprog try { HowManyFileOperationsToTrack = Convert.ToInt32(verbatimArgs[verbatimArgs.IndexOf("-N") + 1]); } catch (InvalidCastException e) { ExitProg("UNKNOWN " + e); } //sets -D to the target directory for the operation //get the folder of the TargetDirectoryForTrackingOperations, if it fails, then it isn't a folder, and exitprog try { TargetDirectoryForTrackingOperations = verbatimArgs[verbatimArgs.IndexOf("-D") + 1]; } catch (InvalidCastException e) { ExitProg("UNKNOWN " + e); } //sets -WL to the watchlist of events to allow the FileSystemWatcher to raise //gets the list and .split() them by @":", if the strings don't match any of the given list (CH, CR, DE, RE) then exitprog if (verbatimArgs.Contains(@"-WL") == true) { foreach (string FSWEventToWatch in verbatimArgs[verbatimArgs.IndexOf("-WL") + 1].Split(':')) { if (FSWEventToWatch == @"CH" || FSWEventToWatch == @"CR" || FSWEventToWatch == @"DE" || FSWEventToWatch == @"RE") { FSWEventsList.Add(FSWEventToWatch); } else { //This argument doesn't set defaults, so we'll fail at this. ExitProg("UNKNOWN Provide proper -WL parameters"); } } } //sets -FL to the filterlist of events to allow the FileSystemWatcher's events to raise //gets the list and .split() them by @":", if the strings don't match any of the given list (FN:DN:AT:SZ:LW:LA:CT:SEC) if (verbatimArgs.Contains(@"-FL") == true) { foreach (string FSWFiltersToWatch in verbatimArgs[verbatimArgs.IndexOf("-FL") + 1].Split(':')) { if (FSWFiltersToWatch == @"FN" || FSWFiltersToWatch == @"DN" || FSWFiltersToWatch == @"AT" || FSWFiltersToWatch == @"SZ" || FSWFiltersToWatch == @"LW" || FSWFiltersToWatch == @"LA" || FSWFiltersToWatch == @"CT" || FSWFiltersToWatch == @"SEC") { FSWFilterList.Add(FSWFiltersToWatch); } else { //This argument doesn't set defaults, so we'll fail at this. ExitProg("UNKNOWN Provide proper -FL parameters"); } } } //set the rest of the non required, explicit arguments if (verbatimArgs.Contains(@"-S") == true) { IncludeSubDirectories = true; } if (verbatimArgs.Contains(@"-EX") == true) { if (verbatimArgs[verbatimArgs.IndexOf("-EX") + 1].Contains("D")) { ExcludeDFSRPrivateFiles = true; } else if (verbatimArgs[verbatimArgs.IndexOf("-EX") + 1].Contains("S")) { ExcludeSMBTestFiles = true; } else { //then neither of these strings were provided. //no error really necessary. I'm loose like that. } } if (verbatimArgs.Contains(@"-EXSTR") == true) { foreach (string FileExclusionString in verbatimArgs[verbatimArgs.IndexOf("-EX") + 1].Split(':')) { ExclusionStringList.Add(FileExclusionString); } //during FSW event raised: if *file.path*.contains(any string entry in fileexclusionlist) then disregard., } if (verbatimArgs.Contains(@"-INCSTR") == true) { foreach (string FileExclusionString in verbatimArgs[verbatimArgs.IndexOf("-EX") + 1].Split(':')) { InclusionStringList.Add(FileExclusionString); } //during FSW event raised: if *file.path*.contains(any string entry in InclusionStringList) then disregard. } if (verbatimArgs.Contains(@"-BUFF") == true) { FSWBufferSize = verbatimArgs.IndexOf("-BUFF") + 1; } //Thread.Sleep(10000); // phew! made it through with no errors. Time to run our program. //create and configure the FSWatcher... passing all the configurations CreateFSWatcher(FSWBufferSize, TargetDirectoryForTrackingOperations, FSWEventsList, FSWFilterList, IncludeSubDirectories, ExcludeDFSRPrivateFiles, ExcludeSMBTestFiles); } public static void CreateFSWatcher( int FSWBufferSize, string TargetDirectoryForTrackingOperations, List FSWWatchList, List FSWFilterList, bool IncludeSubDirectories, bool ExcludeDFSRPrivateFiles, bool ExcludeSMBTestFiles ) { //instantiate and initialize a System.IO.FileSystemWatcher() FileSystemWatcher fswatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); //configure the FileSystemWatcher fswatcher //fswatcher.Filter filter can not take multiple strings! it's only a single wildcard file filter, which is restrictive! // this could affect performance due to buffer overflows. // I will only use this if a single string is contained in InclusionStringList if (InclusionStringList.Count == 1) { fswatcher.Filter = "*" + InclusionStringList[0] + "*"; } //includesubdirectories fswatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = IncludeSubDirectories; //internalbuffersize if (FSWBufferSize <= 65536 & FSWBufferSize >= 4096) { fswatcher.InternalBufferSize = FSWBufferSize; } else { fswatcher.InternalBufferSize = 8192; } //notifyfilter NotifyFilters NotifyFilterValue = 0; foreach (string filter in FSWFilterList) { //FN:DN:AT:SZ:LW:LA:CT:SEC // thank you MSFT! switch (filter) { case "FN": NotifyFilterValue = NotifyFilterValue + 1; break; case "DN": NotifyFilterValue = NotifyFilterValue + 2; break; case "AT": NotifyFilterValue = NotifyFilterValue + 4; break; case "SZ": NotifyFilterValue = NotifyFilterValue + 8; break; case "LW": NotifyFilterValue = NotifyFilterValue + 16; break; case "LA": NotifyFilterValue = NotifyFilterValue + 32; break; case "CT": NotifyFilterValue = NotifyFilterValue + 64; break; case "SEC": NotifyFilterValue = NotifyFilterValue + 256; break; default: // won't ever be hit, so may as well shoot the moon //NotifyFilterValue = 256; break; } } fswatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilterValue; //path fswatcher.Path = TargetDirectoryForTrackingOperations; fswatcher.Renamed += new RenamedEventHandler(fswatcher_Renamed); fswatcher.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(fswatcher_Deleted); fswatcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(fswatcher_Changed); fswatcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(fswatcher_Created); fswatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; while (Console.Read() != 'q') ; } public static void fswatcher_Renamed(object sender, RenamedEventArgs e) { CountOfFilesAffected = CountOfFilesAffected + 1; if (HowManyFileOperationsToTrack <= CountOfFilesAffected) { Send_NSCA(); } } public static void fswatcher_Deleted(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { CountOfFilesAffected = CountOfFilesAffected + 1; if (HowManyFileOperationsToTrack <= CountOfFilesAffected) { Send_NSCA(); } } public static void fswatcher_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { CountOfFilesAffected = CountOfFilesAffected + 1; if (HowManyFileOperationsToTrack <= CountOfFilesAffected) { Send_NSCA(); } } public static void fswatcher_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { CountOfFilesAffected = CountOfFilesAffected + 1; if (HowManyFileOperationsToTrack <= CountOfFilesAffected) { Send_NSCA(); } } public static void Send_NSCA() { //CountOfFilesAffected // // This is the code for the base process Process send_nsca_proc = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo procstartinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); procstartinfo.CreateNoWindow = true; procstartinfo.UseShellExecute = false; procstartinfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; procstartinfo.FileName = "send_nsca.exe"; procstartinfo.Arguments = ""; send_nsca_proc.StartInfo = procstartinfo; send_nsca_proc.Start(); send_nsca_proc.WaitForExit(); send_nsca_proc.Close(); } public static void ExitProg(string nagstatus) { Console.WriteLine(nagstatus); Thread.Sleep(10000); if (nagstatus.ToLower().Contains("unknown")) { Environment.Exit(3); } if (nagstatus.ToLower().Contains("critical")) { Environment.Exit(2); } if (nagstatus.ToLower().Contains("warning")) { Environment.Exit(1); } if (nagstatus.ToLower().Contains("ok")) { Environment.Exit(0); } } } }