#!/usr/bin/perl # ############################## check_snmp_free_interfaces.pl ############################## # # # Description : Count the number of free interfaces more than X days on a switch # # Date : Apr 08 2011 # # Author : R. Lorenzini # # # ######################################################################################## # # Help : ./check_snmp_free_interfaces.pl -h # use Net::SNMP; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions ("h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h, "H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H, "C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C, "w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w, "c=s" => \$opt_c, "warning=s" => \$opt_c, "d=s" => \$opt_d, "delay=s" => \$opt_d, "e" => \$opt_e, "extended" => \$opt_e); $script = "check_snmp_free_interfaces.pl"; $script_version = "1.0"; # SNMP options $version = "2c"; $timeout = 2; $number_of_interfaces = 0; @target_interface_index = (0); @target_interface_descr = (0); $target_interface = "ethernet"; $oid_ifnumber = "."; $oid_sysdescr = "."; $oid_ifdescr = "."; # need to append integer for specific interface $oid_ifadminstatus = "."; # need to append integer for specific interface $oid_ifoperstatus = "."; # need to append integer for specific interface $oid_iflastchange = "."; # need to append integer for specific interface $oid_uptime = "."; $ifadminstatus = "n/a"; $ifoperstatus = "n/a"; $iflastchange = "n/a"; $returnstring = ""; $warning = 5; $critical = 2; $community = "public"; # Default community string if ($opt_h){ usage(); exit(0); } if ($opt_H){ $hostname = $opt_H; } else { print "No specified hostname\n"; usage(); exit(0); } if ($opt_C){ $community = $opt_C; } if ($opt_d){ $delais = $opt_d; } else { print "No specified delay\n"; usage(); exit(0); } if ($opt_w){ $warning = $opt_w; } if ($opt_c){ $critical = $opt_c; } # Create the SNMP session $version = "1"; ($s, $e) = Net::SNMP->session( -community => $community, -hostname => $hostname, -version => $version, -timeout => $timeout, ); if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_sysdescr))) { # If we can't connect using SNMPv1 lets try as SNMPv2 $s->close(); sleep 0.5; $version = "2c"; ($s, $e) = Net::SNMP->session( -community => $community, -hostname => $hostname, -version => $version, -timeout => $timeout, ); if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_sysdescr))) { print "Agent not responding, tried SNMP v1 and v2\n"; exit(1); } } if (find_match() == 0){ $nb_if_libre = 0; $count = 1; $res = $s->get_request(-varbindlist => [ $oid_uptime ],); @SysUptime = split(/\ /,$res->{$oid_uptime}); if ( $SysUptime[0] < $delais ) { $status = 1; $returnstring = "Switch uptime lower than defined delay (Uptime is $SysUptime[0] days)"; } else { while ($count < ($#target_interface_index + 1)) { if (probe_interface() == 1) { $nb_if_libre = $nb_if_libre + 1; } $count = $count + 1 ; } if ($nb_if_libre > $warning) { $status = 0; $returnstring = "$nb_if_libre free interfaces on this switch | free_ports=$nb_if_libre"; } else { if ($nb_if_libre > $critical) { $status = 1; $returnstring = "$nb_if_libre free interfaces on this switch | free_ports=$nb_if_libre"; } else { $status = 2; $returnstring = "$nb_if_libre free interfaces on this switch | free_ports=$nb_if_libre"; } } } } else { $status = 2; print "Interface $target_interface not found on device $hostname\n"; exit $status; } # Close the session $s->close(); if($status == 0){ print "OK - $returnstring\n"; exit $status; } elsif($status == 1){ print "Warning - $returnstring\n"; exit $status; } elsif($status == 2){ print "CRITICAL - $returnstring\n"; exit $status; } else{ print "Plugin error! SNMP status unknown\n"; exit $status; } exit 2; ################################################# # Finds match for supplied interface name ################################################# sub find_match { if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_ifnumber))) { if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_sysdescr))) { print "Status is a Warning Level - SNMP agent not responding\n"; exit 1; } else { print "Status is a Warning Level - SNMP OID does not exist\n"; exit 1; } } if (!defined($s->get_table($oid_ifdescr))){ } else { foreach ($s->var_bind_names()) { $temp_interface_descr = $s->var_bind_list()->{$_}; if (index(lc($temp_interface_descr),lc($target_interface)) != -1) { @res = split(/\./,$_); push (@target_interface_index, $res[$#res]); push(@target_interface_descr,$temp_interface_descr); } } } if ($#target_interface_index == 0){ return 1; } else { return 0; } } #################################################################### # Gathers data about target interface # #################################################################### sub probe_interface { $oid_temp = $oid_ifadminstatus . $target_interface_index[$count]; if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_temp))) { } else { foreach ($s->var_bind_names()) { $ifadminstatus = $s->var_bind_list()->{$_}; } } ############################ $oid_temp = $oid_ifoperstatus . $target_interface_index[$count]; if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_temp))) { } else { foreach ($s->var_bind_names()) { $ifoperstatus = $s->var_bind_list()->{$_}; } } ############################ $oid_temp = $oid_iflastchange . $target_interface_index[$count]; if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_temp))) { } else { foreach ($s->var_bind_names()) { $iflastchange = $s->var_bind_list()->{$_}; } } ############################ if (($ifadminstatus eq "2") || ($ifoperstatus eq "2")) { @lastchange = split(/\ /,$iflastchange); if ($lastchange[1] eq "days,") { $res = $SysUptime[0] - $lastchange[0]; } else { $res = $SysUptime[0]; } if ($res > $delais) { if ($opt_e) { print "Interface ",$target_interface_descr[$count]," is free for ",$res," days.\n"; } return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } #################################################################### # help and usage information # #################################################################### sub usage { print << "USAGE"; -------------------------------------------------------------------- $script v$script_version Return the number of interfaces down for more than X days.. Usage: $script -H -c [...] Options: -H Hostname or IP address -C Community (default is public) -d Number of days since interfaces are down -w Warning free interfaces - default 5 -c Critical free interfaces - default 2 -e Extended view USAGE exit 1; } #################################################################### # Appends string to existing $returnstring # #################################################################### sub append { my $appendstring = @_[0]; $returnstring = "$returnstring$appendstring"; }