check_disk_snmp (nagios-plugins 1.4.2) 2.11 The nagios plugins come with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute copies of the plugins under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING. This plugin checks the amount of used disk and memory on remote hosts via snmp query of HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorage Usage: check_disk_snmp -H host_address [-s snmp_community] [-p snmp_udp_port] [-d device_description_or_index] [-w warning_threshold] [-c critical_threshold] Convenience abbreviations: Use single letter [A-Z] device description for windows drive Use "phys" device_description for "Physical Memory" Use "real" device_description for "Real Memory" Use "swap" device_description for "Swap Space" Use "virt" device_description for "Virtual Memory" Options: -h Print help detailed help screen -V Print version information -H STRING Dotted decimal IP address or fully qualified domain name of host -p INTEGER UDP port number for SNMP access (default: 161) -s STRING SNMP community string for host (default: public) -w INTEGER Exit with WARNING if less than INTEGER units are free -w PERCENT% Exit with WARNING if more than PERCENT is used (default: 85%) -c INTEGER Exit with CRITICAL if less than INTEGER units are free -c PERCENT% Exit with CRITICAL if more than PERCENT is used (default: 90%) -u STRING Choose units: KB, MB, GB or (default: MB) -d INTEGER SNMP index of device to check -d STRING SNMP description of device to check (e.g. /var) Examples: check_disk_snmp -H -s mycommunity -w 85% -c 90% -d /var # Checks space used on /var, warning at 85%, critical at 90% check_disk_snmp -H -s mycommunity -w 90% -c 95% -d C # Checks space used on C:\ drive, warning at 90%, critical at 95% check_disk_snmp -H -s mycommunity -w 1024 -c 512 -d virt # Checks free "Virtual Memory", warning at 1GB, critical at 512MB check_disk_snmp -H -s mycommunity # Gives a table listing of devices available via SNMP