#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import subprocess from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool from os.path import isfile from shutil import copy ## ConfigParse is different from python2.7 and python3.5 from sys import version as python_version if -1 != python_version.split(" ")[0].find("2.7"): import ConfigParser ConfigParser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser else: import configparser ConfigParser = configparser.ConfigParser ## python3.5 replace input with raw_input raw_input = input host_note = """ ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # HOST DEFINITIONS # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Define hosts for the Lenovo XCC machines we'll be monitoring # Change the host_name, alias, and address to fit your situation """ group_note = """ ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # HOST GROUP DEFINITIONS # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Define hostgroups for Lenovo XCC machines # All hosts that use the linux-server template will automatically be a member of this group """ service_note = """ ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # SERVICE DEFINITIONS # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Create services for monitoring """ host_group_tmp = """ define hostgroup{ hostgroup_name %s ; The name of the hostgroup alias %s ; Long name of the group members %s ; Members in this group } """ service_tmp = """ define service{ use generic-service hostgroup_name %s service_description Check %s for Lenovo XCC check_command %s } """ host_tmp = """ define host{ use linux-server ; Inherit default values from a template host_name %s ; The name we're giving to this host alias %s ; A longer name associated with the host address %s ; IP address of the host } """ command_tmp = """ ################################################################################ # # LENOVO SERVICE CHECK COMMANDS # # These are some example service check commands. They may or may not work on # your system, as they must be modified for your plugins. See the HTML # documentation on the plugins for examples of how to configure command definitions. # ################################################################################ define command{ command_name check_system_authPriv command_line $USER1$/check_lenovo_xcc.py -H "$HOSTADDRESS$" -v3 --snmp_username $ARG1$ --snmp_security_level authPriv --snmp_aprotocol $ARG2$ --snmp_apassword $ARG3$ --snmp_pprotocol $ARG4$ --snmp_ppassword $ARG5$ --mode $ARG6$ } define command{ command_name check_system_authNoPriv command_line $USER1$/check_lenovo_xcc.py -H "$HOSTADDRESS$" -v3 --snmp_username $ARG1$ --snmp_security_level authNoPriv --snmp_aprotocol $ARG2$ --snmp_apassword $ARG3$ --mode $ARG4$ } define command{ command_name check_system_noAuthNoPriv command_line $USER1$/check_lenovo_xcc.py -H "$HOSTADDRESS$" -v3 --snmp_username $ARG1$ --snmp_security_level noAuthNoPriv --mode $ARG2$ } """ def parse_argument(): """ This function just deal with the argument """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-f", "--configfile", help="IP list and configuration file") arg = parser.parse_args() return arg ## Get config file name def get_config_file(): """ this function just get the dict of arguments """ args = parse_argument() if args.configfile: config_file = args.configfile else: print( "Configuration file is missing for discovery") config_file = None return config_file ## Get config information from config file, include nagios path, created file name, force rewrite file def get_config_info(discovery_cfg): output_path, config_file, force = "./", "Lenovo_XCC.cfg", False if "output_path" in discovery_cfg.keys(): output_path = discovery_cfg["output_path"] if "config_file" in discovery_cfg.keys(): config_file = discovery_cfg["cfg_file_name"] if "force" in discovery_cfg.keys(): if 'true' == discovery_cfg["force"].lower(): force = True return output_path, config_file, force ## Ping the IP to test connect state def isconnect(ip): run_watch = subprocess.Popen("ping %s -c 2 -W 1" % ip, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,universal_newlines=True) ret, err_msg = run_watch.communicate() if -1 == ret.find("100%") and -1 == ret.find("50%"): return ip else: return "notconnect" ## Use multithread to get connected ip list def get_connected_iplist(ip_list): pool = ThreadPool() results = pool.map(isconnect, ip_list) ok_list = [str for str in results if str != "notconnect"] pool.close() pool.join() return ok_list ## IP to number def ip2num(ip): ip_segment = [int(x) for x in ip.split('.')] return ip_segment[0] << 24 | ip_segment[1] << 16 | ip_segment[2] << 8 | ip_segment[3] ## Number to ip def num2ip(num): ip = ['', '', '', ''] ip[3] = (num & 0xff) ip[2] = (num & 0xff00) >> 8 ip[1] = (num & 0xff0000) >> 16 ip[0] = (num & 0xff000000) >> 24 return '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]) # Get ip list from 3 format: # format1: # format2: # format3: one ip address) def getiplist_impl(ip_range): if -1 != ip_range.find("-"): index = ip_range.find("-") try: l_endpoint = ip2num(ip_range[:index]) r_endpoint = ip2num(ip_range[index + 1:]) if l_endpoint >= r_endpoint: print("The right endpoint must be greater than the left endpoint(%s)" % ip_range) return None else: return [num2ip(ip) for ip in range(l_endpoint, r_endpoint + 1)] except: print("IP range %s is invalid, please set a valid one in configuration file" % ip_range) return None elif -1 != ip_range.find("/"): index = ip_range.find("/") ip_addr = ip_range[:index] mask = ip_range[index + 1:] if 0 != ip2num(ip_addr) & (0xffffffff >> int(mask)): print("IP range %s is invalid, please set a valid one in configuration file" % ip_range) return None else: l_endpoint = ip2num(ip_addr) r_endpoint = l_endpoint + (0xffffffff >> int(mask)) return [num2ip(ip) for ip in range(l_endpoint, r_endpoint + 1)] else: return [ip_range] ## Get ip list from ip range def getiplist(ip_str): iplist = [] iprange_list = ip_str.split(",") iprange_list = [iprange.strip() for iprange in iprange_list if '' != iprange.strip()] for iprange in iprange_list: ret_iplist = getiplist_impl(iprange) if ret_iplist: iplist += ret_iplist return iplist ## Get snmpwalk options list, this function write for thread and map function def get_snmpwalk_options_list(connected_list, authlevel, user, aprotocol, apassword, pprotocol, ppassword): options_list = [] for ip in connected_list: if 'authpriv' == authlevel.lower(): snmpwalk_options = " -l authPriv -u %s -a %s -A %s -x %s -X %s %s" % (user, aprotocol, apassword, pprotocol, ppassword, ip) elif 'authnopriv' == authlevel.lower(): snmpwalk_options = " -l authNoPriv -u %s -a %s -A %s %s" % (user, aprotocol, apassword, ip) elif 'noauthnopriv' == authlevel.lower(): snmpwalk_options = " -l noAuthNoPriv -u %s %s" % (user, ip) else: break options_list.append(snmpwalk_options) return options_list ## Run snmpwalk command to find Lenovo XCC machines def ispurley(snmpwalk_options): """ this function will judgment the machine is purley """ try: ip = snmpwalk_options.split(" ")[-1] except: return "notxcc" ##Command: snmpwalk -v3 -l authPriv -u SNMPUSER -a SHA -A SYS2009health -x DES -X SYS2009health -t 0.5 cmd = "snmpwalk -v3 %s -t 0.5 | grep 'INTEGER:' | wc -l " % snmpwalk_options run_watch = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) ret, err_msg = run_watch.communicate() if "0" != ret.strip(): return ip else: return "notxcc" ## Use multithread to get Lenovo XCC ip list def get_xcc_list(snmpwalk_options_list): pool = ThreadPool() if 0 == len(snmpwalk_options_list): return [] results = pool.map(ispurley, snmpwalk_options_list) xcc_list = [str for str in results if str != "notxcc"] pool.close() pool.join() return xcc_list ### This function will create config file for nagios ### include: host definition, group definition and service definition def create_nagios_cfg_file(input_file): ip_range, user, alias, authlevel, snmp_aprotocol, apassword, snmp_pprotocol, ppassword = \ '', 'user_tmp', '', 'noAuthNoPriv', 'SHA', '', 'DES', '' group_cfg_str, services_cfg_str, host_cfg_str = '', '', '' output_file, output_path, cmd_file, force = "Lenovo_XCC.cfg", "./", "lenovo_snmp_command.cfg", False # system-health, power,cpu,storage,temperature,fans,voltage,memory services_list = ['system-health', 'power', 'cpu', 'storage', 'temperature', 'fans', 'voltage', 'memory'] conf = ConfigParser() conf.read(cfg_file) print("Discovering systems, please wait...") # Get all the group name group_list = conf.sections() for group in group_list: if "discovery_cfg" == group: dis_cfg = dict(conf.items("discovery_cfg")) output_path, output_file, force = get_config_info(dis_cfg) continue command_str = "" print("Discovering group '%s'." % group) items = dict(conf.items(group)) if "ip" in items.keys(): ip_range = items['ip'] else: print("[ERROR]IP range is missing for %s" % group) continue if 'alias' in items.keys(): alias = items['alias'] else: alias = group if "user" in items.keys(): user = items["user"] else: print("[ERROR]SNMPv3 User is missing for %s" % group) continue if "authlevel" in items.keys(): authlevel = items["authlevel"] if "snmp_aprotocol" in items.keys(): snmp_aprotocol = items["snmp_aprotocol"] if "apassword" in items.keys(): apassword = items["apassword"] if "snmp_pprotocol" in items.keys(): snmp_pprotocol = items['snmp_pprotocol'] if "ppassword" in items.keys(): ppassword = items["ppassword"] if "services" in items.keys(): services_list = items['services'].split(",") services_list = [service.strip() for service in services_list if '' != service.strip()] ## Get all ip list in the ip range all_ip_list = getiplist(ip_range) ## Get list of ip which is connected via ping connected_ip_list = get_connected_iplist(all_ip_list) if 0 == len(connected_ip_list): print("0 out of %s are successfully discovered in group %s" % (len(all_ip_list), group)) continue ## Get list of snmpwalk options which is used for judge XCC machine ## This code is used for thread map # options_list = get_snmpwalk_options_list(connected_ip_list) snmpwalk_options_list = get_snmpwalk_options_list(connected_ip_list, authlevel, user, snmp_aprotocol, apassword, snmp_pprotocol, ppassword) ## Get list of ip which is XCC's address xcc_ip_list = get_xcc_list(snmpwalk_options_list) if 0 != len(xcc_ip_list): print(xcc_ip_list) print("%s out of %s are successfully discovered in group %s" % (len(xcc_ip_list), len(all_ip_list), group)) ## Get the host config for xcc_ip in xcc_ip_list: host_cfg_str += host_tmp % (group+'_'+xcc_ip, group+'_'+xcc_ip, xcc_ip) ## Get the group config ## Get the members of this group members_list = [group +"_" + xcc_ip for xcc_ip in xcc_ip_list] group_members = ','.join(members_list) if group_members: group_cfg_str += host_group_tmp % (group, alias, group_members) ## Get the services config ## get command for services if 'authpriv' == authlevel.lower(): if '' == apassword or '' == ppassword: print("Both of authentication and privacy protocol password are necessary for authPriv level") continue else: command_str = "%s!%s!%s!%s!%s!%s" % ("check_system_authPriv", user, snmp_aprotocol, apassword, snmp_pprotocol, ppassword) elif 'authnopriv' == authlevel.lower(): if '' == apassword: print("Authentication protocol password is necessary for authPriv level") continue else: command_str = "%s!%s!%s!%s" % ("check_system_authNoPriv", user, snmp_aprotocol, apassword) elif 'noauthnopriv' == authlevel.lower(): command_str = "%s!%s" % ("check_system_noAuthNoPriv", user) ## add services if services_list: services_cfg_str += ("\n#### Services for %s ####\n" % group) for service in services_list: services_cfg_str += service_tmp % (group, service, command_str + "!" + service) if host_cfg_str and group_cfg_str and services_cfg_str: can_write_cfg = False if '/' == output_path[-1]: ng_cfg_file = output_path + output_file ng_cmd_file = output_path + cmd_file else: ng_cfg_file = output_path + "/" + output_file ng_cmd_file = output_path + "/" + cmd_file if not force and isfile(ng_cfg_file): ret = raw_input('File %s exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (Y/N) ' % ng_cfg_file) if "y" == ret.lower(): can_write_cfg = True else: can_write_cfg = True if can_write_cfg: try: fh = open(ng_cfg_file, 'w+') fh.write(host_note + host_cfg_str + group_note + group_cfg_str + service_note + services_cfg_str) fh.close() except: print("Failed in writing configuration file") try: fh_cmd = open(ng_cmd_file, 'w+') fh_cmd.write(command_tmp) fh_cmd.close() print("Configuration files generated successfully:\n- %s\n- %s" % ((output_path+"lenovo_snmp_command.cfg"),(output_path + output_file))) except: print("Failed in writing lenovo_snmp_command.cfg ") else: print("No configuration files generated.") if __name__ == "__main__": cfg_file = get_config_file() if cfg_file: create_nagios_cfg_file(cfg_file) pass else: exit(1)