#!/bin/bash # Bash script to check the status of a SRX cluster. # Works by SSHing into cluster to check "show chassis cluster status" command and SNMP walking to make sure BGP peers # are both in a connected state STATE_OK=0 STATE_WARNING=1 STATE_CRITICAL=2 STATE_UNKNOWN=3 clusterAddress=$1 privateKey=$2 clusterStatus=`ssh nagios@$clusterAddress -i $privateKey "show chassis cluster status"` declare -i primaryCount declare -i secondaryCount declare -i failoverCount declare -i activeBgpPeers activeBgpPeers=`snmpwalk -Os -c public -v 1 $clusterAddress . | grep "INTEGER: 6" | wc -l` primaryCount=`echo "$clusterStatus" | grep primary | wc -l` secondaryCount=`echo "$clusterStatus" | grep secondary | wc -l` failoverCount=`echo "$clusterStatus" | grep "Failover count: 0" | wc -l` if [ $primaryCount -ne 2 ] then echo "No two primary redundancy groups" echo "$clusterStatus" exit $STATE_CRITICAL fi if [ $secondaryCount -ne 2 ] then echo "No two secondary redundancy groups" echo "$clusterStatus" exit $STATE_CRITICAL fi if [ $failoverCount -ne 2 ] then echo "SRX has fallen over on a redundancy group" echo "$clusterStatus" exit $STATE_WARNING fi if [ $activeBgpPeers -ne 2 ] then echo "NOT 2 Active BGP Peers" exit $STATE_CRITICAL fi echo "OK, 2 peers. OK: Chassis Cluster status OK" echo "$clusterStatus" exit $STATE_OK