To compile : ./configure (--prefix=PATH) make if you have set the prefix make install and binaries will be in PATH/bin binaries are now in src : check_snmp_disk check_snmp_process check_snmp_load To see the full help of a plugin: -h or -? Some exemples: check_snmp_disk : ->To monitor physical memory on the host community public (alert 90%,95%): check_snmp_disk -H -C public -m r -w 90 -c 95 ->To monitor disk space and virtual memory: check_snmp_disk -H -C public -m dv -w 90 -c 95 ->To monitor only the disk C: check_snmp_disk -H -C public -m d -w 90 -c 95 -f C: (Some windows system require putting C:\\ instead of C:) check_snmp_process : ->To check if apache and mysql is launched, and maximal number for WARN = 30 / CRIT = 50 check_snmp_process -H -C public -m apache,mysqld -w 30 -c 50 ->To check if explorer.exe is launched and alert it takes more than 50 Mo of memory check_snmp_process -H -C public -m explorer.exe -w 2 -c 5 -r 50 check_snmp_load : ->For a WINDOWS machine; to check CPU check_snmp_load -H -C public -m W -w 90 -c 95 ->For a LINUX machine; to check LOAD check_snmp_load -H -C public -m L -w 10,08,05 -c 20,15,10 If you have any question, bug report, feature request mail : vincent__AT__xenbox__DOT__fr